August 9th | Added two vids Y-litter |
August 5th |
Born Y-litter: 3 males / 4 females |
June 29th | Succes v. Sennertal got his IPO-III with 82 - 90 - 93 = 265 pnts. |
June 7th | Xsammy v. Sennertal has been stud by Succes v. Sennertal |
June 1th | Succes and Ratza v. Sennertal got both their Körung |
May 3th | Xsamm got his VZH/BH with 54 points and Succes his IPO-II with 87 - 91 - 90 = 268 points today |
April 4th | Succes got his IPO-I, 87 - 92 - 94 = 273 pnts. |
March 1th | Added vid of Succes |
February 22th | Watt got her VZH/BH, 53 pnts. |
2 0 1 4 |
December 23th | New pics of the males |
December 10th | Added new male: Succes vom Sennertal |
November 30th | Ratza got her IPO-III today with 95 - 80 - 85 |
Novembe 17th | Added video of Xsamm and Xsammy |
November 7th | Xsamm and Xsammy results: HD-/ED A Normaal, Back without remarks, so both excellent!! |
Oktober 5th | Today Ratza got her IPO-II and V Troy his VZH/BH |
September 9th | Added video of Xsamm and Xsammy protection training at 13 months |
August 25th | Added video of Ratza training with tracking |
August 16th | X-rays taken of Xsamm and Xsammy, of both hips, ellbows and back looks excellent!! We are so happy! |
August 3th | Added vid of V-litter, having fun with a cows tail |
July 24th | New vid added of V Troy, developping a nice hold and bark |
July 15th | Added vid of Watt beginning of the protection work |
July 5th | Watt results X-rays: HD-ED-A normaal, Back without remarks! |
May 30th | Today X-rays of Watt and hips, ellbows and back looks excellent. We wait for exact results. |
May 8th | New pics of Watt and Xsammy |
May 1th | Prelim X-rays of Wicked and Xamy v. Sennertal, both looks excellent! |
April 24th | V Troy HD-/ED- A normaal, Back without remarks |
April 20th | Rapper v. Sennertal, Place 8, 272 pts, Regional Championship, handler/owner Henk Mulder |
April 14th | Turbo v. Sennertal Place 2, 271 pts, Regional Championschip, handler/owner Saskia Stark |
March 24th | Uracko (Doerak) got his VZH/BH, handler Michiel Peters. |
March 22th | V Troy has been X rayd official and hips, ellbows and back are excellent! |
February 21th | Added video of V Troy |
January 8th | Added video of Xsamm |
January 3th | Added video of V Troy |
2 0 1 3 |
December 17th | Uracko (Doerak) v. Sennertal HD-/ED A normal; owner M. Peters |
November 23th | Urijcki and Uracko prelim X-rays of hips and ellbows, both looks excellent |
Oktober 27th | Rapper v. Sennertal (owner/handler Henk Mulder) and Ralf v. Sennertal (owner/handler Jan Goudkamp) and Qassy v. Sennertal got their körung all three with very excellent protection work |
Oktober 17th | Healt results Urgent are in: also Hips and Ellbows Excellent!!! |
Oktober 12th | Qassy got her IPO-III today |
September 17th | Added 2 video's of the X litter |
August 29th | Today we went to the vet with Urgent for X-rays of hips and ellbow; all looks excellent! |
We will wait for the exact results | |
August 20th | Page dogs updated |
August 17th | Updated pics X-litter |
July 22th | Stoute got his IPO-I with 82 - 88 - 90, handler Wailok Chang |
July 7th | Stout got his IPO-I with 87 - 88 - 91, handler Ronny Peek |
May 28th | Added video of Urgent, starting some protection work |
May 23th | Turbo (Spike) v. Sennertal got his IPO-III at a Trial in Sweden with 84 - 94 - 82 |
May 19th | Ralf v. Sennertal got his IPO-I with 95 - 85 - 92; handler Jan Goudkamp |
Rapper v. Sennertal got his IPO-II with 98 - 90 - 98; handler Henk Mulder | |
May 6th | Added video Gringo, Sch-III Trial 17-3-2012, protection |
May 4th | Added video Gringo, Sch-III Trial 17-3-2012 , obedience |
May 1th | Added video of V-litter; this is an absolutely high driven litter!! |
April 21th | Rapper v. Sennertal Champion IPO-I on Regional Championship, with 98 - 80 - 94, handler Henk Mulder |
April 15th | Added pics of V- litter |
March 24th | Turbo (Spike) v. Sennertal got his IPO-II at the NKK-championship with 90 - 84 - 91, handler Saskia Stark (Vom Falorie) |
March 18th | Ratza got her VZH/BH, 56 pts |
March 17th | Gringo trial IPO-III at Waalre, 80-95-96 = 271 |
March 10th | Litter of Harley X Qassy: 2 males, 3 females |
December 23th | Added new pic of Urgent |
December 18th | Tempo (Siep) v. Sennertal got his BH, handler Carolien Haersma |
November 19th | Rapper v. Sennertal got his IPO-I (92-84-94) handler Henk Mulder |
November 19th | Stoute v. Sennertal got his BH (50) handler Ronnie Peek |
November 13th | Turbo (Spike) v. Sennertal got his IPO I (98-98-96) !! handler Saskia Stark (Vom Falorie) |
November 6th | Stoute (Bruce) got his VZH/BH (57 pts), handler Wailok Chang |
September 23th | Added new female, Urgent v. Sennertal |
September 4th | Added video of U-litter |
September 4th | Added pics of U-litter |
August 16th | Added first video of U-litter |
August 6th | Added new pics of the U-litter |
July 28th | Added the first pics of the litter |
July 22 th | Born litter of Ratza and Gringo: 4 males and 3 females |
July 11th | New video of Rockie, just started tracking |
June 26th | Qassy got her IPO-I (85-86-81) |
May 23th | New video obedience and protection training with Rockie |
May 19th | Tempo (Siep) v. Sennertal (Itsher v. Sennertal X Gringo v. Haus Lenox) has also excellent hips and ellbow, HD-/ED-A-Normaal |
May 18th | Ratza has been mated with Gringo |
April 22th | Male for sale, go to sales |
April 19th | Added video of Gringo Regional Championship, protection |
April 18th | Added video of Gringo, Regional Championship |
March 26th | Added video of Ratza |
March 1th | Added video of Stoute (Bruce) |
February 28th | Added female Jasmine v. Syntas |
February 5th | Added video of Ratza, training protection work |
January 29th | Added Video offspring of Gringo: Tequila v. Sennertal |
2011 |
November 22th | Updated litter announcement 2011 |
November 7th | Added video of Cintha, |
November 6th | Added video of Gringo trial IPO-III, |
November 6th | Qassy got her VZH/BH today and Gringo his IPO-III (83 (missing 2 articles) - 91 - 90) |
November 3th | Added video of Cintha |
November 3th | Added pic of Bandu |
Oktober 25th | New female in my kennel, Cintha v.'t Heukske, check out dogs |
Oktober 24 th | Congratulation to kennel Bacteroides (Finland) with again 2 competitors at WM FCI 2010 Bacteroides Sabo and Bacteroides Sera and 1 competitor at WUSV 2010 Bacteroides Sabo (Sid Haus Pixner X Alyn v. Sennertal) |
Oktober 14th | Goodwill will be bred to Bandu v.d. Polsmaten |
August 28th | Added new vid of Qassy |
August 26th | Updated sales page |
August 8th | Added video of Qassy some tracking |
August 1th | Added video of Ratza, start with the heel work |
July 26th | Added video of Stoute (Bruce), some obedience at 6 months |
Added video of Stoute (Bruce), tracking at 6 months | |
July 25th | Added video of Stoute (Bruce), tracking at 4 months |
July 24th | Added video of Goodwill, Trial IPO-III, obedience |
July 20th | Added pics of Stoute (Bruce) |
July 18th | Goodwill got her IPO-III (90-88-88) |
July 1th | For sale: young male, go to sales |
June 28th | Results X-rays of Ralf v. Sennertal: Excellent Hips and Ellbows, both A-normaal, owner: Jan Goudkamp |
May 30th | Gringo got his körung |
May 13th | Qassy got her UV/AD |
May 10th | Avista came in heat and will be bred by Gringo |
May6th | Added video of Slim |
May 5th | Added two vids of Tequila and Tempo, offspring of Itsher and Gringo |
April 17th | Gringo (98-76-92) and Goodwill (94-80-80) got their IPO-II |
March 17th | The exact results ellbow score of Ratza: also excellent: ED- normaal!!! |
March 10th | The exact results hips score of Ratza: also excellent: HD-A normaal!!! |
March 8th | New video of both litters, showing their temperament and drives |
March 4th | New video of the litters |
February 28th | New male and female added |
February 19th | Again a dog with excellent hips and ellbows, this time: Ratza v. Sennertal, we wait for exact results! |
February 18th | Added video of litter Birka |
February 15th | Born in Sweden litter of Gringo Haus Lenox, 5 males - 4 females, more info at kennel Torneryd |
February 8th | New pics litter Birka and Itsher |
February 7th | New video of Qassy |
January 26th | Added first pics of the litters |
January 25th | Added video Goodwill stay exercise |
January 24th | Added video Gringo stay exercise |
January 3th | Added video Qassy |
January 2th | Added video Birka |
2010 |
December 26th | Added video's of Harley vom Sennertal |
December 13th | Added new pic and video of Ratza |
December 12th | Avista came in heat and will be bred soon |
December 9th | We did recieve the results of the ellbows of Goodwill, Gringo and Qassy: all three have excellent ellbows! |
December 6th | Today Goodwill got her Kkl. II-a, with very excellent voor her protection work! |
November 29th | New pics added of Ratza and Qassy |
November 20th | Its'Her has been bred by Gringo v. Haus Lenox |
November 18th | Today X-rays of the ellbows of Goodwill, Gringo and Qassy have been taken, none of them showed any remarks. We will wait for the exact results |
November 16th | Birka has been stud to Harley vom Sennertal |
November 14th | Goodwill got her UV |
November 11th | Again excellent result of hips: Qassy v. Sennertal HD-A |
Oktober 29th | Birka came in heat and will be bred soon to Max |
Oktober 21th | Added video of Goodwill Trial IPO-I, protection, 91 p. |
Oktober 19th | Added video of Gringo Trial IPO-I, protection, 83 p. |
Oktober 16th | Added video of Gringo Trial IPO-I, tracking, 97 p. |
Oktober 15th | Added video of Goodwill Trial IPO-I, tracking, 94 p. |
Oktober 11th | Goodwill got IPO-I with 272 points and Gringo with 265 points video's coming soon |
Oktober 8th | The hips X-rays of Qassy shows no remarks! We wait for the exact result. |
Oktober 3th | Avista got her körung, Kkl. IIa |
Oktober 2th | New head shots of Gringo, Ratza, Qassy and ItsHer |
September 27th | Congratulation to Jacqueline Beijersbergen getting her IPO-I with Gaius v. Haus Lenox with 97-78-96 = 271 (with missing apport with wall -15 pnts) |
September 26th | Congratulation to Riitta Lapinleimu, with again 2 Bacteroides going to the WUSV 2009 (again out of Alyn v. Sennertal X Sid Haus Pixner) |
August 27th | Gringo got his UV |
August 23th | Added video of Avista revier, escape and long distance |
August 18th | Added video of Goodwill retrieve and long distance |
August 17th | Added video Gringo hold and bark |
August 16th | Added video Gringo long distance |
August 4th | Added video protection training of Goodwill |
August 2th | Added video protection training of Gringo |
July 28th | Added video obedience training of Goodwill |
July 27th | Added video obedience training of Gringo |
July 26th | Added video protection Qassy |
July 10th | Avista got her UV |
July 4th | Gringo got his VZH |
June 7th | Goodwill got her VZH and Avista got her IPO-I |
May 31 | Nasty got her körung, Kkl. IIa |
May 9th | Gringo got his HD-A! |
May 8th | Nasty has been bred by Branco v. Banholz |
April 15th | Added new female: Ratza v. Sennertal |
April 15th | Added video litter It'sHer |
April 14th | Nasty came in heat and will be bred soon |
March 27th | Added new pics of the litter |
March 17th | Added new pics of the litter |
March 8th | Nasty got her GHP-I |
March 5th | New pics of the litter |
February 10th | Born litter of Its'Her X Zender |
January 1th | Its"her is pregnant, litter expected half february |